Following up my previous blog post below is a sample Logstash config that can be used to connect to the ElasticSearch for the output of data:
Logstash 5.x onwards require that every logstash process specifies its own data path folder.
To do that follow below steps:
Important flags used are:
cd /work/elk/logstash-5.2.6/ vim ./config/twitter_feeds_consumer/twitter_feeds_consumer.conf
input { kafka { topics => ["twitter_feeds_kafka_topic_name"] bootstrap_servers => "," # consumer_threads => 5 # auto_offset_reset => "earliest" group_id => "logstash562_twitter_feeds_consumer_group" codec => json { charset => "ISO-8859-1" } } } output { # stdout { codec => "rubydebug" } elasticsearch { hosts => ["https://coord_01:9200"] index => "index-name-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" ssl => true cacert => '/work/elk/logstash-5.6.2/config/ca.crt' user => logstash_internal password => logstash_internal_password } }
Logstash 5.x onwards require that every logstash process specifies its own data path folder.
To do that follow below steps:
mkdir -p /work/elk/data/data-logstash562/twitter_feeds_consumer mkdir -p /work/elk/data/logs-logstash562/twitter_feeds_consumer/ ./bin/logstash -f ./config/twitter_feeds_consumer/twitter_feeds_consumer.conf -w 5 -l /work/elk/data/logs-logstash562/twitter_feeds_consumer &
Important flags used are:
-f Logstash config file -w Sets the number of pipeline workers that will, in parallel, execute the filter and output stages of the pipeline. Logstash 5.x onwards, you need to specify different data folders for every Logstash process. -t Check configuration for valid syntax and then exit -r Reload config automatically --config.reload.interval RELOAD_INTERVAL How frequently to poll the configuration location for changes, in seconds. The default is every 3 seconds.