Check if a string converted to a number is actually a number in ActionScript (Flex) and setting scale of a number
An easy way to check if a String is actually a number of not is to actually convert the string to a Number and test if it's NaN.
Flex API reference mentions that the top-level function Number(str) returns NaN if the string passed to the method cannot be converted to a Number.
The problem with this approach is that if you take Number(null) or Number(undefined) or Number(""), all will return 0 and will evaluate to "is a number".
The correct way to do this is shown in following code snippet.
It also sets scale of the converted number to two decimal digits.
Flex API reference mentions that the top-level function Number(str) returns NaN if the string passed to the method cannot be converted to a Number.
The problem with this approach is that if you take Number(null) or Number(undefined) or Number(""), all will return 0 and will evaluate to "is a number".
The correct way to do this is shown in following code snippet.
It also sets scale of the converted number to two decimal digits.
public static function getNumberFromString(val:*, scale:uint = 2):* { if ((val === null || StringUtil.trim(val) === "" || isNaN(val)) == false) return setScale(Number(val)).toFixed(scale); else return ""; } public static function setScale(number:Number, scale:uint = 2):Number { scale = Math.pow(10, scale); return (Math.round(number * scale) / scale); }