Following function gives an example of how to doanload a file in Flex.
"file" object passed to the function is a simple object having following structure:
"file" object passed to the function is a simple object having following structure:
file.fileName = "Abc.png" file.fileType = "image/png" file.url = "/documents/Abc.png"A pattern match-replacement is used to determine file extension, in case fileName does not have it.
public function downloadFile(file:Object):void { if (file != null) { var fileName:String = (file.fileName != null && file.fileName.length > 0) ? file.fileName : (new Date()).time.toString(); var fileExtension:String = file.fileExtension; if (fileName.indexOf(".") < 0) { if (fileExtension.lastIndexOf(".") >= 0) fileExtension = fileExtension.slice(fileExtension.lastIndexOf("."), fileExtension.length); else if (fileExtension.lastIndexOf("/") >= 0) fileExtension = "." + fileExtension.slice(fileExtension.lastIndexOf("/"), fileExtension.length); else fileExtension = "." + fileExtension; // Replace characters not supported by download. / \ : * ? " < > | % with _ var pattern:RegExp = /([\/\\:\*\?\"\<\>\|\%])/g; fileName += fileExtension.replace(pattern, "_"); } var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(file.url); var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference(); fileRef.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, fileDownloadError);, fileName); } function fileDownloadError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {"Error encountered while downloding the file:\n." + event.text, "Error"); } }