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Showing posts from 2005

Syntax highlighting and tab spacing in VIM

set nocompatible syntax on " Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands." if has("autocmd") " Use filetype detection and file-based automatic indenting." filetype plugin indent on " Use actual tab chars in Makefiles." autocmd FileType make set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=0 noexpandtab endif " For everything else, use a tab width of 2 space chars." set tabstop=2 " The width of a TAB is set to 2. Still it is a \t. It is just that Vim will interpret it to be having a width of 2." set shiftwidth=2 " Indents with '>' will have a width of 2." set softtabstop=2 " Sets the number of columns for a TAB." set expandtab " Expand TABs to 2 spaces."

nohup and redirection of standard input/output/error

NOHUP and Redirection of standard input/output/error Examples JMX_PORT=1234 nohup command </dev/null >logs/nohup.out 2>&1 & # Sets a variable only for command, redirects standard input from null (disables input), then redirects standard output to logs/nohup.out & finally redirects standard error to standard output JMX_PORT=1234; nohup command </dev/null >logs/nohup.out 2>&1 & # Sets the variable for current shell, redirects standard input from null (disables input), then redirects standard output to logs/nohup.out & finally redirects standard error to standard output nohup command >/dev/null 2>&1 & # First redirects standard output to null & then redirects standard error to standard output nohup command &> /dev/null & # Same as above, but only in BASH nohup command </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 & # Redirects standard input from null (disables input), then redirects standard output to null ...